Hakka Language Course 客家語課程
This course is suitable for people preparing to live and work in Hakka speaking regions in Malaysia, China and Taiwan, and for those who are interested in learning Hakka as heritage language, or simply fascinated by Hakka culture.
We offer Hakka courses of these varieties: SiXian, MeiXian, Taibu, Fuichiu, and HoiliukFung.
Private and Group Class available.
Cantonese Language Course 廣東話課程
This course is suitable for people preparing to live and work in Cantonese speaking regions such as Hong Kong, Macao, Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur, Toronto etc, and those who are interested in learning Cantonese as heritage language, or simply fascinated by Cantonese movies and pop songs.
Private and Group Class available.
In 2023, our founder, Lew Voon Khong, is selected as one of the “Guardians” of our nation by ASTRO AEC documentary for Malaysian Independence Day and Malaysia Day, in his effort to promote, teach, and preserve the language of Cantonese.
二〇二三年,我們的創辦人劉文康致力於推廣、教授和保護粵語,被ASTRO AEC的國慶紀錄片系列選為我們國家的「守護者」之一。
Blog: [https://www.hibiscusacademy.co/post/the-guardian-cantonese-teaching-守護者-粵語教學 ]